25 July 2009
We could have not done it without you!!! It was our honor to host such a great event. You attended, shared your treasures, competed, mingled and left asking for more. It was "IMPRESSIVE" Almost 200 cars in over 50catagories competed.
RPM and Hooters on West Broad were elated to see the turnout on July 18th for the "1st Annual Best of Richmond Car Show". Richmond, surrounding counties, No. Va, Maryland, D.C. and even New Jersey gave the resounding response, "We loved the show and, the eclectic collection of enhanced and restored vehicles was a great change." Old School and new met and what a great meeting it was.
RPM is proud to serve our community as we raised $1706 for our Charities Muscular Dystrophy and American Breast Cancer "Save the Boobies!" Many thanks to those who contributed, especially to Miss Ashly for collecting your donations who by the way won 1st place in the swimsuit competition judged by the roar of the crowd!!! Also a special thanks to our sponsors Mc George Scion, Crown Acura, Universal Ford, Moore Cadillac, Moore Subaru, U.P.S., Walmart, Nationwide Insurance, Metro Sound, Play n Trade, Redline Design, The Phoneman, Power 92.1 DJ Flava and last but not least the Master of Ceremony Joe Tann.com for an awesome performance.
Your opinion matters for future planning, this your show so send us your thoughts, what did you like? what didn't work for you? what can we do to improve? What would you like to see next? All input will be given serious consideration for future planning and "YES!" There will be a next show. Check your email, for info and links to pictures from the show soon. Tell your friends......the next show will be even better!!!
With Sincere Gratitude,
Kyler Calera aka the "Tintassassin" President of RPM and the Staff at Richmond Performance Modifications.com